Here’s what I recently saw in the airport, read, watched, bought and messaged about this week.

airport sighting+ Flew out of Florida airport this week and saw one of my favorite Christmas themed airport displays – Santa and his crocodiles.
read+ Listened to the audiobook of Holly, Stephen King. Simply loved it! An entire book focusing on Holly who was first introduced in Mr. Mercedes (Bill Hodges trilogy). This time, King really took his time with the characters and focused on getting us to know Holly in particular, a lot better than before. And of course, King being King we have some horrific stuff happening. The authors note at the end is also worth reading to explain some of his motivations – but there’s still quite the controversy about how … heavy handed … he was with “the Covid stuff.” I’ll just leave it at that.
watched+ Holiday movie watching has kicked off with How The Grinch Stole Christmas. I also wrote about One Classic Christmas Movie We Watch Every Year.
bought+ Took advantage of Black Friday / Small Business Saturday / Cyber Monday sales to get workout outfits for myself from Superfit Hero. The sizes they sell are from L-7XL, but what I love most is the quality of the gym fits.
message sent to my husband+

Spotify sent me an email which I took a screenshot of (the top part) and sent to my husband. They recognized my love of Christmas music on their platform (and of course wanted to sell me something).